[t] 0208 564 9222
[e] info@insbarcode.co.uk
Handheld Scanners
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Unitech manufacture a full range of world class AIDC products, including barcode scanners, magnetic card readers, portable and fixed terminals, and a variety of keyboard products.
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Please call or email for current availability.
[t] +44 (0) 208 564 9222
[e] info@insbarcode.co.uk
Asset Management
It's typical warehouse scenery that is full of thousands of pile-up sticks from difference manufacture, different brands, different suppliers, different price, and different lead time...etc. Despite the complexity of the stocks, the conventional wisdom of organizing a warehouse is done by prefixes which results in products being stored at the warehouse in a static, offer ad-hoc manner without priority being given to product value, sales velocity and expiry. Now, unitech mobile computer offer you a flexible and comprehensive solution for customers in assets management. To avoid high error rate in fulfilling store orders which either wastes investment or decreases productivity.
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